Little Miss Emilynn is a mamas girl. There really is no point in arguing that. She loves to be with me which us nice... most of the time. I sort of love being the one who can soothe her when everyone else has tried... except, of course, when I'm showering, eating, napping, etc. But the worst is when I'm writing.
I can starve. I can stink. I can be sleep-deprived. But writing? I can't not write. For me its really just not an option. (Except apparently when I'm pregnant) Its like a basic need. I get irrationally angry when I can't write.
Oh don't get me wrong sometimes I'll go days, weeks, or even months without writing but because I am either burnt out or I don't have a current project.
But when I am in the middle of a project and go days weeks or months without writing? And I don't mean a scribble here or there.. because I ALWAYS do that but real substantial writing? Watch out. I'm not a pretty sight.
Besides the first few weeks Em is pretty good about letting me do a little writing. But its never the amount I want... and you know what? This is actually a GOOD thing.
I write 500 words a day now. I do not go to bed before I get this. Most of the time I go over the 500 words and have to force myself to stop in order to get some sleep.
And do you know what this has taught me? Writing 500 words 7 days a week is much better than 3500 one day. Because the next week you'll write 500 words a day but you might not write 3500 words in one day again. Maybe you'll write 5000.. maybe none.
Em has taught me something I've heard all my life but never truly listened to it: its much better to be consistent.
Its like school. Study for four hours the night before the test or study one hour for four nights. Which is better? Obviously the latter. Writing is exactly the same.
So instead of being angry when my writhing sessions are cut short from a hungry baby I try to remember that she's keeping me from burning out. She's keeping me interested. She's making me want to write more instead of feeling obligated to do so.
Em already knows what's best for mom : )
What has your little one taught you about writing?
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