The last time I wrote anything I was 39 weeks pregnant. Well, I am definitely not pregnant anymore.
Let me catch you up.
I had a 9 hour labor. Which, apparently, is very short for a first time mom. To tell you the truth I wasn't even sure I was in labor until about 11am and I had Em at 2:45pm. So as labors go pretty easy. It was so easy in fact I didn't even have an epidural.
All would have been great but Em got sick. I suspect from something at the hospital because they never told us what it was. But whatever it was it made her really sick. She wouldn't eat. She had to be with oxygen and in a phototherapy incubator and fed with an iv. She had to have antibiotics.
After 5 days they finally let us take her home. We had to continue her antibiotics though.
But after that she's been exceptionally good. Just one fever after her 2month vaccines. Otherwise nothing, no sign she was ever sick at all.
At first she ate every hour and a half but now she's eating every 2 and a half hours except at night. On good nights she's asleep at 9:30 wakes up between 2 and 3 then again between 7 and 8.
Bad nights... well anything other than that : )
But I think we've been lucky in the baby department. She didn't have colic but she did have a witching hour for awhile. I think it was really just her reaction to the dairy in my diet.
Now that's she's 3 months though I do have some dairy and it doesn't seem to bother her.
My kitty doesn't seem to like her much but she tolerates her. She does seem to be less fond of me though.
Hopefully that will pass now that I have more free time and am not constantly feeding Miss Em.
So that's what's happened since my last post. I'm going to try to get back in the routine of blogging at least once a week.
So I'll be back next week. Until then here are so pictures of the little princess
Emilynn Claire Borja Hill
6 lbs 3 oz
18.7 in
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