27 March 2013

3 Years Ago Today

3 years ago today I was on my way to a baby shower. 3 years ago today my mom, my niece, and myself got lost going to said baby shower and made a call to my ex sister in law to get directions but her new boyfriend answered. 3 years ago today after finally arriving at the shower the ex called my sister in law and she started crying hysterically.

3 years ago today I lost my nephew to child abuse.

I have a few ideas about what happened but I'll never know the truth.

She went to jail for 2 and a half years getting out last September.  He will be in jail for the next 20 years or so. Tarah lives with my mom and Vincent James Hill is with the angels.

I didn't get to see him one last rime. My brother told me it would haunt me if I did. I guess its a good thing-- I remember him as he was not after everything.

There were signs. There are always signs but they are so easily explained as normal kid behavior.

I wish I could go back and save him. I wish I would have done more. I wish he could be here today.

I am thankful we didn't lose the both of them. We at least got to keep Tarah. And she is a real princess and so special.

I thank God she's still here but I still miss him.

And this post breaks my heart enough. So cherish your little ones.


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