21 December 2012

The End of Pregnancy

Today I'm 39 weeks! Woohoo!

Except for my little princess doesn't seem to be too interested in coming out to meet me quite yet. She seems to be quite content where she is. I, however, am not for several reasons.

1. Above all I'm so ready to meet her!

2. I can't sleep comfortably at all. If I have to get up every few hours to pee or because I'm burning up even when it's 60 degrees then I would much rather get up every few hours to feed or comfort my new little princess.

3. I'm tired of being fat! Yes, yes. I'm pregnant and not fat but I'm still fat and still annoyed about it.

4. I've been pregnant for 9 months. Come on already. I want to drink coffee to my hearts content and I want to be able to have a few drinks of a beer! I've been craving beer since I was 3 months pregnant. I have no intention of drinking myself into an oblivion but is one beer too much to ask?!

5. I don't want to have a c-section. I'm terrified the drugs (if I have to be induced) won't work and I'll have to have a c-section. Cosmetically it may be better (so I've heard) but I'd rather not have a scar on my stomach (I have enough stretch marks) and I'd love a nice easy recovery (even if the labor process will be harder).

Five reasons is enough, isn't it. I'm sure there are more but the little girl is kicking as we speak and I'm not in the mood to write anymore with her foot stuck up in my ribs.

That's right. She hasn't even dropped yet.

Hopefully I won't be blogging on Monday (because she came over the weekend!) and will be back on Friday to let everyone know how it's going.

If not, well, then see you all on Monday. Have a great weekend! And if I'm not back before then Have a great Christmas! Eat, love, and be happy!


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