01 June 2013

A New Story to Finish

There is nothing in the world like the thrill of a new story. Its new and exciting and it leaves you dull of wonder and hope and possibilities.

And its wonderful. But I think there is something more amazing than the beginning.

The end.

Now those are some powerful words.

Has anyone out there heard of runners high? 

I've experienced it all of twice in my life. But at some point its quite literally like you don't want to stop. You run and run and even though you're tired for some reason your body wants to stay in motion.

The sensation is refreshing. Its breathtaking and oh so powerful. You get into this grove and its wonderful.

And every time you go running afterwards all you want to do is get that feeling back.

Don't worry I'm rounding back in on my point.

That is sort of what starting a new writing project is like for me.

I have only finished one novel but it was amazing. I love to write and I get into the "zone" quite a bit but nothing can compare to the final lines of the novel not even the start.
And every time I start a new project I think back to those moments as I typed the last line. And I want that feeling back.

Its not the writers high. That I've experienced a lot. So what would this be called?

Im not quite sure. All I know is its tough to get there but I'll keep working for it. Because that feeling is worth it.


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