09 April 2013

Something You Love

Writing is a choice. Plain and simple.

I do not, nor will I ever feel sorry for someone who says they don't have the time to write. I don't have time either but I make the time.

Writing is beautiful in the way it can almost literally be done anywhere. You can scribble something down on a notepad or write a few words down on the back of a piece of mail. You can type on a home computer or laptop. Or you can, as I am in this very moment punch out every letter on a cell phone (while breastfeeding I might add)

If writing is a priority then you will make the time. If its not, you wont. And that's not necessarily a problem. Id love to learn french or play the piano but my real love is writing.

Moral of the story? Do what you love. Making time for something you want to do is easy because it drives you. Instead of watching that episode of The Big Bang Theory go and write. Or whatever else you love because when it's something you love you wont feel like you're missing out on anything.

Don't use the excuse you don't have time make the time.


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