16 September 2013 0 comments

World Building: The Planet Part III

It's been awhile I know! Being a mom and my own writing keeps me pretty busy!. But I'm back so here we go

After looking at the planets history and geography here and creating plants here, we are now going to look at animal life.

I have quite a bit of trouble with this one myself but I do what I can. With this there is SO much information that you CAN add that I just never know how much I SHOULD add. Here I'll go ahead and put it all just to be thorough but once again if you are going to use it pick and choose what you need for the specific animal.



I do this exactly as I do the plant name. No names yet! I have to go through the whole exercise to pick a name but it's bascially like this Biome + Type + Number (only if more than one of same type in same biome) 


Just as before. My biome is going to be the rainforest again.


Here you really can go into quite a bit of detail. You can use Kingdom, phylum, class, etc if you wanted. I don't, however. I do use class because it is pretty simple and then come up with ways to classify the animals in that particular class.

I guess the only real way to explain this is to SHOW you so here's how I begin.

For this particular animal I'm going to be using the mammal class. Mammal

Next I'm going to determine how I'm going to group all the many types of mammals. You can probably find a website to do this for you but they were all either to extensive or not extensive enough for me. My classifying of mammals will look like this --  Ground, Tree-dwelling, Predators, and Hooved. Some could go into both, I know this, but I usually pick the more "detailed" group For example a horse is both ground and hooved but I would choose hooved in this case. This is just how I like to do it. Obviously you can create your own categories. 

Tree dwelling

When naming I will define this as the "Rainforest tree dwelling Mammal"



Here I look at the size of the animal. Height, weight, and length and I give a rough estimation but I sometimes I also name an animal that has about the same stature so that I have a clear idea of it in my head. I could say an average of 340lbs and a height of 63 inches but sometimes I'm not sure exactly what size that would be so I say, "black bear" or whatever and have a good idea about what size it would be. Other times however I don't need thi.

Quick note here if I'm going to use say a hooved mammal I do not used a hooved mammel for an idea about weight or size, this is because it makes me think of that particular animal and that's the picture I have in my head for it. And if thats the case then why wouldn't I just use that animal instead of making a new one. So use something other than the type of animal you are creating, if you do this. 

Weight: 10 lbs
Length: 16 in
Height (shoulder):10 in
Tail: 11 in


Here you'll want to look at everything. Eyes, nose, mouth, body coverings and so on. You'll want just enough to be able to get a clear picture of what your animal will look like. This will depend on so many things. Is the animal predator or prey (for the most part), active during the day or night, location of the animal, and so on. I've picked a few features to use in order to get a idea about the animal.

Eyes: Large and round
Nose:  large, sticks away from face and connects to the mouth
Mouth: connects to the nose in a large snout
Body coverings: lightly covered fur, hands and feet do no have fur in order to get a better grib when climbing a tree, light tan or brown
Tail: Almost as long as body, wraps around the body and uses for hanging from trees like a monkey

This gives me the information I want so I'll move on but it isn't all I could have used..


This is pretty self explanatory. What does the animal eat?

Ground dwelling mammals like mice or other tiny animals and some fruits and nuts from trees though for the most part it is a carnivor. 


 This includes a wide variety of information. Almost too much. If you are going through this do not feel as though it all has to be completed, it doesn't! Don't get burnt out before you even start writing the story. If the animal is used just for a main character to see in the field, rather than it being a companion of some sort, a lot of this will be a waste of time (though truly any worldbuilding is NOT a waste of time but if it burns you out... well it's not helpful either). Find out what you need and move on.

But this section can include things like.... Activity, Aggressiveness, Social, Play, Hunting, and Mating.

While I could do this in a list sort of style for me it's easier to explain in a little paragraph about the animal.

This tree dwelling mammal is mostly active during the night, which is how it hunts for it's a lot prey: while they are sleeping. The little animal is usually not aggressive just sneaky. If cornered it will become aggressive and females during pregnancy are also aggressive. They are very social animals and live in large groups at the tops of threes. To humans they seem to act like kids, running around and chasing each other for fun, although this is also for practice during hunting. Mating happens during all seasons. A female usually has a litter of about 2-3 little ones. They hang on to the mother most of the time. For the first weeks she doesn't leave there side and then after that she leaves them alone while she gathers some food for them other than milk. Later on she teaches them to hunt and so on. They usually stay close as part of a big family unit.

Interesting Facts

This section is just a throw in section. Whatever else that hasn't been covered that seems important to me. I have no real outline for this section, just whatever comes to mind. For example...

One of these can be taken away within the first few weeks of like and given to a human as a companion. It will begin to think of the person as family and take fierce action as it grows older to protect the human. This is true even if the family returns to find the stolen one. 


I do not do this part but it is really good. If you have any artistic ability I would suggest going ahead and drawing out the animal. I do not because it would be a complete mess. But it is a good idea. 

And that concludes the fauna section.  If anyone did it along with me, post your animals!
19 July 2013 0 comments

World Building: The Planet Part II

Last week we looked at History and Geography of the planet in Part I. Today I'll show you how I go about creating plant life. I was going to include animal life here, however it turned out to be a much longer explanation than I anticipated so I'm just going to do plants.

Here I want to note something before I begin that I've already mentioned before. None of this is neccessary. Pick and choose what you want to do. The object is to write the story and if you are creating plant life just to create it, yes it will make your world more realistic, but it's... I won't say a waste of time but it's... time spent agonizing over what this particular plant (or animal, or whatever) should look like or do while it would be better spent actually writing the story.

The best advice I've found is finding a balance. But onto the post..



This is something I come back to but I added here for organization purposes but for right now I'm leaving this section blank. I'm going to add it to my list of names I need to come up with. 


The first thing I look at when creating new plant life is the biome it will be located in. It will give quite a bit of insight on the plant itself. You are not going to find large trees with beautiful green leaves and flowers that bloom in the spring in the Tundra biome. It's just not going to happen. The tundra doesn't have many trees and when it does, they are usually stunted because of the lack of nutrients they receive. Have another look at the biomes and see what kind of plants normally grow there.

While doing this I would normally look at where my story is going to be located to determine which biome it will be in. If most of my story is going to be located in the desert and I choose the tundra to create this plant how is that going to work into my story? 

For right now though because I don't have an actual "area" yet, I'm going to randomly pick one. I'm going to go with forest and to narrow it down even further I'll go ahead and say a rainforest or tropical forest. 


While the biome I chose has already given me a starting point here is where I choose the type of plant. There are SO many to choose from and it all depends on what your making the plant for. If you need it for something specific then choose what you need (a certain flower that cures blood poisoning when cooked with the seeds of a certain fruit?) but if your using it for plainly world building and just giving the area a foreign feel then be creative (a vine that is climbing the castle walls or a tall grass where serpents hide) Whatever you want.

As for me I'm going to say a flower.


I already gave a prelude to it in the above section. This is where we will be looking at what your characters can/will be using this particular plant for. To start off think of all the things we do with plants.

1. Food - potatoes, beans
2. Heat - wood
3. Structures/furniture - wood
4. Oxygen - plants release it into the air while using up carbon dixocide
5. Medicine - Opium poppy (this is used in morphine)
6. Clothing - cotton

And that's not even all of it... we use them for paper, ceremonies, home decor, and definitely for landscaping. Can you think of anything else?

I'm going to create a flower that is used for a wedding ceremony. It is put in the hair of the bride by the groom which is later taken out and crushed and cooked and they drink it together after the ceremony ends. 

If you'll notice here now I have created not only a plant but tiny bits of information about the society just from a flower. That's the beauty of world building. 


This is the really fun part. Now you get to decide what it looks like. While this is FUN it is also really HARD (for me, at least). I find it's easier by looking up exotic plants to get a feel for something different and then making up the rest.

 My flower looks like a daisy in a way except the petals stick up in a rounded sort of way essentially making the flower look like a tiny teacup. They are usually white white streaks of pink or purple running through them but other known colors are solid white, pink, purple, or blue, or white with blue streaks. The most rare color is pink with white streaks instead of the other way around. 

The husband must find the flower so he usually goes looking for the most rare because it is said to give the couple luck.

Also another little tidbit of how this particular society works and how they think.


This is nothing specific just whatever else you think you'll need or want to include. I don't have anything else to add so this section I would leave blank but here include everything the other sections didn't cover. You could explain how the plant is cooked, why it is forbidden to plant/pick/touch, the way it is used in a spell. Anything.

 Back to Name

Since I've finished this plant creation I'll now put it in my little table as "Rainforest Flower" so I know what I'm talking about.

Next time I'll look at how I create animals but until then if any of you have created a plant according to this share it with me! I'd love to see how it worked for someone else. Or share with me how YOU come up with plant life.

12 July 2013 0 comments

World Building: The Planet Part I

Sorry I didn't post last week but I just moved into a new house and just got internet back on tuesday. I could have posted on my phone.... but the one handed typing gets irritating after awhile. But anyway, I'm here now. Better than never!

Last time we went over how I world build the galaxy. Now I'm going to move on to the actual planet. This has quite a bit more information than "The Solar System" so I've split it into parts. I foresee about 4 parts but until I write them I have no idea.... so we'll see!

In this section I'll show you how I begin creating my planets history and the geography. Let's get started...


This is just an idea, I guess, and I only begin with it because all of the rest of things influence it so I add things as I go a long. At first this section might only be a sentence. Something like "The world began 5.9 billion years ago."  but then end up in a paragraph or ten pages. This one is really up to you. If you look up the earth history... wow. You'll find quite a bit of information. Don't worry about getting that detailed. It's unnecessary and in my opinion a waste of time. Just get what you need to know and move on.

My history for my planet is going to start off like this...

Moon 2 has been in orbit of Planet D for about 6.8 billion years. Planet D "caught" the moon when it was just an asteroid. After many years the location of the moon caused it to begin to create an atmosphere which in turn led to the development of life because of the habitable zone where it was located.

I probably could come up with something better but it works for this. I'm not sure if an astroid could actually create an atmosphere but for now that's what happened. If need be I will change it later.

Also notice I'm still using moon and planet D. I haven't made my language yet so for now that's what they are going to be. I forgot to mention in the last post, however, that I do a table with names I need to come up with later.



This section is really quite simple. Just find out your planets water and land ratio. Make something up or go into deep thought about this. Don't forget that what you do choose will have an effect on planet life. A planet with 90% water and only 10%land is very different type of life than that of earth and think about all the problems you could come up with on a planet of 90% land and only 10% water.

Moon 2 is going to be about 63% land and 47% water


This is easy enough. Create a map. Paper or digital. Whatever you want. I usually make a digital one and then print it off blank and make the rest of my maps there but because this particular world is only for the blog (well so far!) then I'm going to create all my maps on here.

First create a blank map just the basic outline of the land masses. I use paint but you can use whatever you want.  Now copy this three times and then leave one completely blank for maps you'll want/need later. ALWAYS have a blank one.

Map - Color

Then you'll want to have an idea of the sections. I'm not really sure what I would call it but think of it as the lines we know of on the earth like the Equator, the line of cancer, the line of ..... and so on. It's just to give an idea about where they things are located.

I classify these as FACE, LINE, and SECTION. It was the easiest way for me but you can come up with whatever system you want for it.  Lines are horizontal and a section is just one of the vertical lines whereas a face is two put together. Normally I would number them but I think you'll get the jist by the picture...

Map - Color - Copy

After that I create the countries. Still no names but I usually give numbers and letters. A continent gets a letter and then the countries on it get a number. These also go on my table of naming things.

Map - Color - Copy (2)

I would make a one blank copy of these to save as well. JUST in case. You never know what you might need them for. But I've created too many maps and lost them because I edited it without saving a copy. Not good.

Quick note here if you are going to use my example of how to do this and use paint... don't color in your countries unless you have a backup copy. I did what I did above to make it more visually appealing... however if you do so then when you do want it in complete white... say to make the terrain map (below) you'll have to change it back to white then erase they part of the number because it will leave a smudge of color.

The last map you'll create (for now!) is a terrain map. Be as basic or as detailed as you want.

Map - Color - Copy (2) - Copy

This is another section you will probably come back to so make what you need and move on but don't feel like you can't come back. You probably will.

I usually make quite a bit more maps than those but those are the ones I ALWAYS make.


Here, like mentioned before, is another place you'll use a map. Create a biome map of your country (do this both on a blank one and one with country lines. It's usually easier if your using a simple program to do it on the one with the countries and then jsut delete the lines that separate it.)

Here are the earth biomes. Depending on how you want to look at biomes there are more or less but I like that website because I think it's just the right amount. But in case you want more (or less) here are a few more websites

A kids version but has quite a bit of information - http://kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/biomes/Another kid version - http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/  Here are a few more. http://www.worldbiomes.com/ and http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/deserts.php

I came up with something like this just using the very basic of biomes.

Map - Color - Copy (4) info

If you know exactly where you want your story to take place you can make it more extensive. I just did forest but there are temperate and tropical. A grassland can be further divided into Temperate grassland, savanna, or steppe. Deserts can be arid, semi arid, coastal. Maybe your planet has a completely different one. Honestly the possibilities are endless.

And that wraps up Part I of The Planet. Part II will include Climate and Flora (Plants)... possibly Fauna (Animals) as well.
29 June 2013 0 comments

World Building: The Solar System

There are a million places to start. You could create a language. You could create a race. You could create a government. But as for me I create the world.

Obviously I'll skip this if I'm using our world but in many cases I'm not. And I like to start big then go small.

I guess you could create the entire galaxy but I don't write (or I haven't yet anyway) worlds where intergalactic space travel is possible so for me it would be utterly useless.

Well not useless because any amount of word building helps you get more of a feel for your world and honestly that's what world building is all about. So even if you aren't planning on using something the more you know the better. But either way, I don't do the galaxy.

I, instead, begin with the solar system.

For the purposes of these blog posts I'm going to create a new world as well. So after each section I'll give an example of the world I'm creating.

Here's how I start out...

The Sun(s)

1. How many? I once read a story (Can't think of the name right now!) that had a whole bunch of suns and the planet was in constant sunlight except for one time every hundred years or so (not quite sure, I read it a LONG time ago) so you can have as many as you want, just think of the implications it would have on the planet.

2. What type? There are a whole lot of options here and each has a different effect on the planet you're creating. There are supergiants, bright giants, giants, dwarfs and so on. They vary in color, size and temperature so many things on your planet will depend on what you choose.

As for me I'm going to be boring. I have one sun which is a yellow dwarf, like our own sun.

The Planet(s)

1.How many?

2. Location? Here you'll want to know the order of the planets. You don't have to name them yet especially if you'll make a language and want to name the according to that but give them a number or letter and decide which one is the planet your story will be on. This way you'll know the number of planets before and after.

3. Type? Most likely you'll have terrestial planet as your own planet but there are others such as gas giants and ice giants. 

4. Habitual Zone?

My world is going to have 5 planets. I'm going to use letters for my planets so A-E are my planets.

A: 1st planet from the sun, a terrestrial planet, and not in the habitual Zone

B: 2nd planet, terrestrial planet, and not in the habitual zone

C: 3rd planet, terrestrial planet, and during half the orbit not in the habitual zone

D: 4th planet, gas giant, in the habitual zone

E: 5th planet, ice giant, not in the habitual zone

The Moon(s)

In actuality moons are satellites but because of the connotations I'll refer to this section as moons.

1. Which planet? If you used letter to name your planets so far here you can go ahead and use the planet letter (say A) and then number the moons (so A1 and A2)

2. How many?

All together my solar system has 8 moons or at least at moons that I'm paying attention to because gas giants usually have a lot of moons but for now I'm ignoring them.

A: none

B: 2

C: 1

D: 3

E: 2

The Orbit

Here we are going to look at 3 things.

1. Shape? This will probably be either circular or oblong

2. Length? I usually do this relative to earth days because it's easiest but you can do it according to your planets own days. Also it's helpful to know that the further away the planet the longer the orbit AND the slower it goes. Think of that while you're coming up with the length.

3. Speed? I don't do this but you can. You can find information here about our own solar system to give you an idea. It's a QA but it'll give you the basic idea anyway.

You'll want to figure this out for each component you have except the sun unless you've created an entire galaxy because the sun too is rotating around the galaxy. For example our sun is rotating around the milky way galaxy.

Here's what I did...

Planet                          A                                B                                C                

Shape                      circular                  circular                   oblong   

Length (days)       172                          417                           543       

Planet                                                                      E

Shape                               circular                        oblong

Length (days                      1057                           1560

You'll want to do the same thing for each of your moons. Or at least each of the moons of your planet. As for me I'm going to use a moon of planet D for my story so my moons for planet D are as follows

Moons                              1                                 2                              3

Shape                       Circular                    Circular                 Circular

Length (days)

The Solar System

Now that all of that is figured out, draw it to see how it looks on paper.

Solar system map

The Rotation

1. Direction?  This will tell you which way your sun rises on the planet unless your "planet" is a moon.

2. Length: As orbital speed told you the length of your year, this will tell you your planets day.

Take a look at my example.

Moon D2

Direction: Clockwise

Length: Same as orbit

Quick note here. The length of my rotation as you see above says "same as orbit". I did this because most moons are tidally locked to the planet they orbit. This basically just tells us that the same face of the moon faces the planet all the time. For the planet this would mean that the year is as long as the day.


There is no set number of things here just a place you can put potential issues with the solar system.

Anyone heard that our sun is going to expand and become a a red giant is some billion years? Its said that all the inner planets will be consumed, devoured by the sun. What if that were to start happening right now and not in a billion years? What would we do?

That's a problem. See anything like that for your own planet?

Some problems you'll want to fix because they won't coincide with planet life, however others leave them and have it another obstacle for your main characters. Man vs Nature is a great plot or subplot.

As for me I have a couple of issues I see. Here are a few: Tidal heating caused by the planet it orbits so closely. The length of the day and night. And although this isn't a problem per say I haven't quite figured out the mechanics of the way the sun will rise and set... so I have to do some research for that.

How are all your solar systems looking??

Here's a little extra thing. I made up a quick outline so if you'd like to use my worldbuilding method you can go ahead and use it each time without having to read though my own made up world : ) I'll add one to each section and you can put it together at the end of these blog posts.

I. World Building

A. The Solar System

1. The Components

a. The sun

b. The planet

c. The moon

2. The Orbit

a. Shape

b. Length

3. The Map

4. The Rotation

a. Direction

b. Length

5. Problems
21 June 2013 0 comments

Novel Building: An Introduction

Months ago before little Em was born I talked about the concept of Novel Building instead of World Building. You can read that post here.

Well after months of taking care of Em and little else, I have finally started blogging regularly again so I'd like to go back to that.

Novel building is very personal and I can almost assure you that what works for me won't work for you. Parts may but others you'll look at and either say forget that or think well sure but why not this way.

And nothing is wrong with that. Making it work for you is the key. And what works for one novel doesn't always work for the next. I, myself, was very upset learning that fact.

Anyway, I'll be back here posting in a week to get started on the process.

Next up: World Building: The Solar System
11 June 2013 0 comments

Trips and Writing

To write you need to be in a grove. Or I do at least.

I have to be doing it for a while writing so many words a day for so many days on one specific story to really get into the habit of writing. I write always but if its not for the same story I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.

It used to be easy to do this but with a little one in the house its a bit more complicated.

Well, I'm trying to get back into that grove so I can finish a novel before I travel to the states in October.

Because during and after vacations its impossible to get anything done. The routine is off and your lost so you don't do anything at all.

So I want to finish the first draft so I can come home and get started on the rewrite instead of trying to pick up where I left off.

And I think 3 months is a good span of time for writing a first draft. I think it limits you in editing while you go and for me that's the key in finishing a project.

So this month I've been worldbuilding and outlining the novel. From July 1- September 30 I am writing 2000 words a day (yikes!) and hopefully by the end I will have 120,000 words counting Sundays off and a few days of review.

I don't actually want a novel with a wordcount quite so high. I want about 90,000 but sometimes I ramble (bet you guessed that already huh?) so I need wiggle room to cut out parts I don't want and especially the ones I don't need.

So that's my plan. Let's hope I stick to it.
01 June 2013 0 comments

A New Story to Finish

There is nothing in the world like the thrill of a new story. Its new and exciting and it leaves you dull of wonder and hope and possibilities.

And its wonderful. But I think there is something more amazing than the beginning.

The end.

Now those are some powerful words.

Has anyone out there heard of runners high? 

I've experienced it all of twice in my life. But at some point its quite literally like you don't want to stop. You run and run and even though you're tired for some reason your body wants to stay in motion.

The sensation is refreshing. Its breathtaking and oh so powerful. You get into this grove and its wonderful.

And every time you go running afterwards all you want to do is get that feeling back.

Don't worry I'm rounding back in on my point.

That is sort of what starting a new writing project is like for me.

I have only finished one novel but it was amazing. I love to write and I get into the "zone" quite a bit but nothing can compare to the final lines of the novel not even the start.
And every time I start a new project I think back to those moments as I typed the last line. And I want that feeling back.

Its not the writers high. That I've experienced a lot. So what would this be called?

Im not quite sure. All I know is its tough to get there but I'll keep working for it. Because that feeling is worth it.
11 May 2013 0 comments

Editing, my foe

I love writing. Period. I love setting pen to paper (I'm old fashion like that) and letting a story take me away. I love staring outside on a fall afternoon and watching the scene unfold in my mind as if I'm living it rather than only imaging it.

I love writing, in a way, like I love my daughter. Even when she gives me a hard time I still have this precious thing in front of me that's mine.

It's when I have finished the writing part that I hate.

Editing is awful and tedious and time consuming and most of the time I hate every single second of it. I wish I was one of those unicorn writers who didn't need to edit.

Lucky S.O.B.s

But unfortunately I do have to edit and reread my writing a thousand times until it seems like it isn't really even a story anymore but a jumble of incoherent words strung together.

But I do it because I want to make the story the best that it can be and if that means I have to reread it a thousand or even a million times, I'll do it.

What about the rest of you? Which part of the process do you hate?
29 April 2013 0 comments

The Problem(s) With Parenting Books


Go into a book store, look online or in a library and you will find a million self help books. There are so many. Things like how to deal with grief over a loss of a loved one, how to be better at relationships, and on and on the list goes.

One of the most popular self-help books that hardly even seem like self help? Parenting books.
But they are self help and they are the worst type of self help.

Why? Because they tell you what to do rather then letting you rely on your own instincts.

You'll find a lot of these types of books but the majority will be either advocates of schedules or attachment parenting. There is nothing particulary wrong with either besides the fact that it rules out your own feelings in the matter. Read a book like "The Contented Little Baby" or "The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems" and you'll find things like you need to get your baby on a schedule from Day 1 or ELSE. Else being you will be a slave to your baby, will never sleep again, and you will be manipulated over and over. Read a book like "The Attachment Parenting Book" or "Attachment Parenting" and you will get the exact opposite advice. Feed on demand or "cue", co-sleep, and wear your baby constantly.

Read both books and you are sure to feel inadequate no matter what you do.

I want to write a book about parenting. It will be all of one page long, not including copyrights. It will say. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. The End.

I love to read and I love to see what other people are doing so I've read both The Baby Whisperer and The Attachment Parenting Book. I do not subscribe to either, however. I like the baby whisperer because it gives advice on how to gently teach your baby to sleep alone (never really a problem for me except for naps! Little Em hates napping) and I like the other because I think it's more of a commonsense guide to parenting. I liked reading it because I did feel better about feeding my baby every hour and a half, picking her up as soon as she cried which all my "great" doctor/nurse advice told me was wrong. Had I not read it I would have felt (get this) guilty for feeding her so soon and picking her up so often.

Had I not had the advice by medical professionals I think I wouldn't have thought twice about it. Baby cries? Pick her up. Duh. Why do they tell parents not to pick up there babies!?

But then again there are some things about each of the book I hate. The baby whisperer. Feed every 3 hours. Yeah, maybe when your bottle feeding and the baby is not a newborn newborn. Em didn't start going 2 hours between feeds until a month. About 2.5 at 3 months and then somewhere during the third month she started finally going 3 which she still is. (and the book says now she should be going 4... come on). Also never let the baby sleep on you, in the car, rocking, eating... and so on. Dude, whatever works those first months.

The other book? Well I can't co-sleep. I wouldn't get any sleep. I want my baby to have some time to herself to... yeah it's nice to be with mom but also don't you think a baby needs a little independence too? They might want to go off and play not be in a sling ALL day.

The problem? The real problem? Is extremism.

Not everything is going to work with every baby or every parent. Some babies don't do well co-sleeping like some parents don't. Some babies really are too big to carry ALL day in a sling. Some babies can't go more than 2 hours without eating.

Moral of the story? Relax. Do what's right for your baby and you. Happy mom = happy baby. Trust me.

I realize I'm giving parents advice when I've been a mom all of 20 seconds (no-4.5 months!) but I feel like because we've lost that sort of "pack" atmosphere where clans lived together for years and moms taught their daughters to be mothers and so women go looking for advice elsewhere. And then feel like they are "mothering" wrong because of what some books tells them.

I know the feeling, unfortunately. But, luckily my husband is amazing and convinced me that I should just do what I feel and Em will turn out to be the girl she's meant to be. I just hope other women have the great husband I do and if not that the come to the realization on their own.

Give your child love and limits and she will love you back and be a much better adult for it.

Happy parenting everyone!

16 April 2013 0 comments

Writing With A Baby


Little Miss Emilynn is a mamas girl. There really is no point in arguing that. She loves to be with me which us nice... most of the time. I sort of love being the one who can soothe her when everyone else has tried... except, of course, when I'm showering, eating, napping, etc. But the worst is when I'm writing.

I can starve. I can stink. I can be sleep-deprived. But writing? I can't not write. For me its really just not an option. (Except apparently when I'm pregnant) Its like a basic need. I get irrationally angry when I can't write.

Oh don't get me wrong sometimes I'll go days, weeks, or even months without writing but because I am either burnt out or I don't have a current project.

But when I am in the middle of a project and go days weeks or months without writing? And I don't mean a scribble here or there.. because I ALWAYS do that but real substantial writing? Watch out. I'm not a pretty sight.

Besides the first few weeks Em is pretty good about letting me do a little writing. But its never the amount I want... and you know what? This is actually a GOOD thing.
I write 500 words a day now. I do not go to bed before I get this. Most of the time I go over the 500 words and have to force myself to stop in order to get some sleep.

And do you know what this has taught me? Writing 500 words 7 days a week is much better than 3500 one day.  Because the next week you'll write 500 words a day but you might not write 3500 words in one day again. Maybe you'll write 5000.. maybe none.

Em has taught me something I've heard all my life but never truly listened to it: its much better to be consistent.

Its like school. Study for four hours the night before the test or study one hour for four nights. Which is better? Obviously the latter. Writing is exactly the same.

So instead of being angry when my writhing sessions are cut short from a hungry baby I try to remember that she's keeping me from burning out. She's keeping me interested. She's making me want to write more instead of feeling obligated to do so.

Em already knows what's best for mom : )

What has your little one taught you about writing?
12 April 2013 0 comments

Breastfeeding: Our Love/Hate Relationship

Everyone knows (or should know) the benefits of breastfeeding. I could list quite a few from memory. Like less likely to develop allergies, less likely to be sick and when sick usually not as severe, decreased risk of sids, a boost in intelligence... and the list goes on.

And then there are more benefits for mom like lower risk of osteoporosis and breast cancer and other cancers, natural birth control and losing pregnancy weight faster.

All good things. And not even the only things I like about breastfeeding. I love its simplicity. No bottles, no mixing formula, no worry about running out at 3am. I love its ready 24/7. I love its low cost--free! I love that I have to hold her while she's eating-- no bottle propping. I love how easy she is soothed by this.

But my relationship with breastfeeding hasn't been all flowers and candy. There are some things that make bottle feeding look very tempting.

I hate I can't delegate some feedings. She blatantly refuses the bottle. She took it fine until 3 months then wasn't having it.

I hate being a slave to feeding her though truth be told its much better now. Before she could make it about an hour and a half between meals and that almost killed me but now its usually 2.5 to 3. Mostly 3.

I hate having to leave the room when company comes over to feed her. This is my issue but still annoying.

I hate not being able to leave her with anyone for a substantial amount of time. Moms need breaks too!

I hate not being able to wear what I want. Hoodies and tight short sleeve shirts are way too inconvenient. Or eat and drink what I want. Alcohol for one. But also Em had reflux which was diagnosed a milk allergy and i couldn't eat dairy...however with some research on my part I found it was actually an oversupply of milk. I am a very enthusiastic milk maker! But all seems to be in control now.

But its obvious the benefits and things I love far outweigh the disadvantages and truth be told I wouldn't ever switch to formula unless medically necessary.

I will stick with it one full year and then move to cows milk. (Although I have no problem with extended BF its not for me)

Anyone on here breastfeed? What did you like/dislike about it?
09 April 2013 0 comments

Something You Love

Writing is a choice. Plain and simple.

I do not, nor will I ever feel sorry for someone who says they don't have the time to write. I don't have time either but I make the time.

Writing is beautiful in the way it can almost literally be done anywhere. You can scribble something down on a notepad or write a few words down on the back of a piece of mail. You can type on a home computer or laptop. Or you can, as I am in this very moment punch out every letter on a cell phone (while breastfeeding I might add)

If writing is a priority then you will make the time. If its not, you wont. And that's not necessarily a problem. Id love to learn french or play the piano but my real love is writing.

Moral of the story? Do what you love. Making time for something you want to do is easy because it drives you. Instead of watching that episode of The Big Bang Theory go and write. Or whatever else you love because when it's something you love you wont feel like you're missing out on anything.

Don't use the excuse you don't have time make the time.
27 March 2013 0 comments

3 Years Ago Today

3 years ago today I was on my way to a baby shower. 3 years ago today my mom, my niece, and myself got lost going to said baby shower and made a call to my ex sister in law to get directions but her new boyfriend answered. 3 years ago today after finally arriving at the shower the ex called my sister in law and she started crying hysterically.

3 years ago today I lost my nephew to child abuse.

I have a few ideas about what happened but I'll never know the truth.

She went to jail for 2 and a half years getting out last September.  He will be in jail for the next 20 years or so. Tarah lives with my mom and Vincent James Hill is with the angels.

I didn't get to see him one last rime. My brother told me it would haunt me if I did. I guess its a good thing-- I remember him as he was not after everything.

There were signs. There are always signs but they are so easily explained as normal kid behavior.

I wish I could go back and save him. I wish I would have done more. I wish he could be here today.

I am thankful we didn't lose the both of them. We at least got to keep Tarah. And she is a real princess and so special.

I thank God she's still here but I still miss him.

And this post breaks my heart enough. So cherish your little ones.
22 March 2013 0 comments

I'm Back! Finally!

Sorry it's been so long! That's what I get for creating a blog 37 weeks into my pregnancy. Having a newborn and trying to blog does not work, let me tell you. And although shes not even a new born anymore (3 months tomorrow!) I just could not spare the little time I have free to do blog, but now I can!

The last time I wrote anything I was 39 weeks pregnant. Well, I am definitely not pregnant anymore.

Let me catch you up.

I had a 9 hour labor. Which, apparently, is very short for a first time mom. To tell you the truth I wasn't even sure I was in labor until about 11am and I had Em at 2:45pm. So as labors go pretty easy. It was so easy in fact I didn't even have an epidural.

All would have been great but Em got sick. I suspect from something at the hospital because they never told us what it was. But whatever it was it made her really sick. She wouldn't eat. She had to be with oxygen and in a phototherapy incubator and fed with an iv. She had to have antibiotics.

After 5 days they finally let us take her home. We had to continue her antibiotics though.

But after that she's been exceptionally good. Just one fever after her 2month vaccines. Otherwise nothing, no sign she was ever sick at all.

At first she ate every hour and a half but now she's eating every 2 and a half hours except at night. On good nights she's asleep at 9:30 wakes up between 2 and 3 then again between 7 and 8.

Bad nights... well anything other than that : )

But I think we've been lucky in the baby department. She didn't have colic but she did have a witching hour for awhile. I think it was really just her reaction to the dairy in my diet.

Now that's she's 3 months though I do have some dairy and it doesn't seem to bother her.

My kitty doesn't seem to like her much but she tolerates her. She does seem to be less fond of me though.

Hopefully that will pass now that I have more free time and am not constantly feeding Miss Em.

So that's what's happened since my last post. I'm going to try to get back in the routine of blogging at least once a week.

So I'll be back next week. Until then here are so pictures of the little princess




Emilynn Claire Borja Hill
6 lbs 3 oz
18.7 in